HD Video Player

Engage visitors with video content

Make your own or embed the best of the web

Over 90% of consumers access video content on the web. And for good reason: no other media allows for communicating a lot of information in a short period of time. Whether you're shooting an explainer video, a testimonial or a marketing spot, video can capture and keep the attention of your site's visitors.

HD video is available for Pro plans and above: Sign Up Now

Upload HD videos

Tell your story in vivid detail

Make your best work available to visitors. Using the intuitive Site Editor, drag and drop the "HD Video" element on any page and then upload any video 1 GB in size or less. Most standard video file formats are supported (MP4, MPG, MOV, WMV), and Weebly automatically encodes your upload for optimum playback. Pro tip: Set up your video to be downloadable by using the customization panel to allow visitors to download a copy of your testimonial videos to share with others.

Use the Embed Code element to easily customize your site

Embed your existing media and content

Don’t worry if you’re not well-versed in HTML and CSS but have existing media, content and resources on other platforms that you'd like to include on your website, you can use the Embed Code element. In order to embed this type of content, you'll need to click the < / > Embed Code icon and drag the element to your page wherever you want the embedded content to appear. Once you copy the embed code from the external source, simply click inside the Embed Code element and select Edit Custom HTML. Then, paste the code in place. Once you click outside of the element, your content should show up. Some types of code do not display instantly, and if that does occur you can still publish the changes to your site to view.

Embed the best of YouTube and Vimeo

Customize the position and playback of popular videos

Just grab the direct link from any YouTube video and copy into the simple video embed tool. You can also use the YouTube feature to alter positioning, size or spacing. Or embed from any service that hosts video, including Vimeo. Whatever you choose, Weebly's video player options give you expert control over your website's media elements.

Enable background video on any theme

Give visitors a compelling experience from the first click

Imagine showing action sequences of mountain bikers trying your products on the Colorado trails right from the home page. It's easy β€” just upload a short video and use the advanced controls in the video player to set up the rest. You can use it as a background video to any of your page’s sections. Every one of Weebly's extensive library of free themes and templates supports background video as a standard feature.