Free Fonts
Stylish free fonts make your content come alive
All Weebly themes include default fonts covering a range of styles — from classic to modern, script, decorative and more. If you can't find the look you're after, use Weebly's Code Editor to incorporate hundreds of Google Fonts directly into your theme. Either way, Weebly's custom fonts help your content stand out on every page.
Free fonts are available for all plans: Sign Up Now
Edit fonts to create a look of your own
Over 50 million entrepreneurs use Weebly. We make it easy to choose and implement beautiful fonts on every page. But you needn't settle for the standard choices. Click on Change Fonts from the Theme tab to pull up a range of customization options. Change styles, size, color, spacing, height or even choose to have all uppercase. Best of all: there's no need to save anything — just click on Change Font at the upper left to go back to the main list. Don't like the way your changes look? Click the Reset link to get back to the default settings.
Change fonts from any device
Weebly apps for both iOS and Android offer the same power and flexibility as the desktop website builder. Just tap the Theme icon to get started and navigate to Change Fonts to alter the font, color, size or adjust the spacing for any text on your site. Changes are then applied globally, so if you choose a new font for the paragraph text on one page, all paragraph elements on your site will use the same settings, helping you build the website you want in no time.
Customize email fonts with marketing tools
Every Weebly product has rich customization options, and Weebly marketing tools are no exception. To adjust fonts when forming your email messages, click on the Design tab in the Create Email Editor and navigate to Change Fonts to unlock a variety of options for customizing the text in your email. Bonus tip for when speed matters: use Suggested Font Pairings to quickly combine classic fonts in a beautiful design that looks stunning in any email.