Mobile SEO
Understand your mobile SEO capabilities
Understand your mobile SEO capabilities
Mobile SEO MattersWeebly does most of the hard work for Mobile SEO. All themes are automatically responsive and load quickly. You will see the "Mobile Friendly" tag next to your website automatically. As more traffic moves to mobile it is important to think about how your content looks on mobile. Weebly themes automatically stake and shape your elements so they work, but it is up to you to make sure that the content that is displayed makes sense for a mobile visitor. When you're working on content in the Editor be sure to check the mobile display option (at top of the bar next to settings) to get a preview of how your page looks in mobile. Is it readable? Does it make sense? Imagine if you were a new visitor that found your site after Googling it on his or her phone. Are they seeing the most important and valuable pieces necessary? Use the mobile preview tool to double check that your content looks good on both mobile and desktop. Weebly will do the rest in the background to make sure Google loves the mobile version of your site. |