checkPut a solid block of color behind *any* content
Control the color, transparency and padding of the block
Round the corners of the block independently
Use the Color Block to highlight particular content by putting a solid block of color behind it. Inside the Color Block, you can insert *any* combination of content blocks - titles, text, images, etc., or even other Color Blocks.
In addition to specifying the color and transparency of the background of the Color Block, you can also round each of the corners individually and specify the padding for each of the four sides of the block (top, bottom, left and right) individually.
In addition to specifying the color and transparency of the background of the Color Block, you can also round each of the corners individually and specify the padding for each of the four sides of the block (top, bottom, left and right) individually.
Full functionality
Jakir Hussain Aug 19, 2024This website real and trustable 100% Free use
Weebly User Aug 05, 2024I should be able to enter gradient background if I want. Not just hex
朱 怡華 May 30, 2024Blog editor takes too long to load
Domiziana Marcelli Apr 10, 2024E' un app innovativa ed efficiente che riduce lo spreco alimentare! puntuali e il cibo di qualità
Noah Eady Mar 06, 2024it's not a block and IT DOSENT WORK
laboratorio computo Mar 03, 2024impresionante bonooooooooooooooooon cncnc kcsdc c cv jdafvfdjv vk ahvkvjkahvjhdfbk adfbjakdfb jkadfbh kafjb bkj b jadhfbjdfhk dakjhb jdfbhdahfbkhdafb hadjfkb
aiste rose Mar 01, 2024viskas geraijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj ggggggggggggg g gh
Omprakash Dey Feb 14, 2024Excellent! It will be easy to manage & also help you
Lucas Creemers Feb 05, 2024best app ever like i love the color
Anna E Howard Jan 30, 2024It will not stay where you put it. It immediately moves to either the top or bottom of the page. I spent an hour trying to get the page looking right, but ultimately had to give up.
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