Posting to social media shouldn't be a drag. It can actually be a fun way to drive traffic to your online shop. The more your product shows up in social media feeds, the more “touch points" a potential customer has with the items you are trying to sell. Also, shoppers will see products in their natural environments, and might feel inclined to buy something that their friends (or people they follow) are promoting.
When it comes to generating traffic for your blog, not even search matches the power of social media.
So you’ve built your own website, perhaps your own online store, and your confidence is sky high, you’re feeling like a creative genius! Learning new technology, the art of dragging and dropping and the courageous step of pushing publish on your site takes time, patience and the ability to often times master a new skill. If you’ve made it across that finish line, congrats!
Facebook and Twitter are often the first social networks that businesses try out for paid advertising campaigns. However, there are a whole range of smaller, fast-growing and more niche social networks that can also be very effective. Often, if your company fits in well with the community on one of these smaller social networks, then your campaigns may perform as well or even better than those run on the likes of Facebook and Twitter.
Social media is a fantastic way to reach your customers and share latest updates, industry news and product information. It is also an excellent method for finding new customers and keeping current customers happy.
Can you imagine trying to Tweet every hour? Manually posting all your blog updates to Facebook? Or remembering to Instagram each day? Here's an insider tip: savvy marketers don't do this at all. They use a social media management app to schedule and automate their posts. With just an hour or so of work, your social networks can virtually update themselves.
When it comes to using social media to gain traction, few networks are as good as Instagram. Forrester Research studied the network's impact last year and found that Instagram is 58 times more effective than Facebook and 120 times more effective than Twitter when it comes to engaging followers.
People are spending more and more time on social media, so building a presence on relevant social platforms is a great way to communicate with your audience and attract new visitors to your website.
What's the best way to use social media to sell your products and services? The key is to be in the right place at the right time when a customer identifies a need and starts looking for solutions. This idea is known as social selling, and it can be a powerful tool to grow your business.
The press has made a lot of fuss over Facebook’s changes to keep overly-promotional posts out of our news feeds. Some think Facebook has pulled the rug out from under local business owners - first encouraging the cultivation of “likes” and now expecting payment in order to reach those fans with ads.
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