Artisan Bath & Body's store is designed to get you to the product you want in as few clicks as possible. So how can you start taking advantage of Product and Category elements at your store? Follow along as we go behind the scenes to reveal how you can bring an online store to life.
- Step 1: Create a storefront by adding a new standard page using the left toolbar in the Editor. Choose whether you want a header.
- Step 2: Scroll to the eCommerce section of the toolbar and click and hold the Products element and drop it on the page. A pop-up will show you all the products in your store organized by category. Select what you want to appear on your page and click "select products" when finished. (NOTE: If you've yet to add products to your store, check out our related tutorial about creating and populating a store.)
- Step 3: Choose one of four layouts from the pop-up. When finished, click on the element to bring up a dialog box to make adjustments. You can increase or decrease the number of columns, add pagination to address overflow if you have a lot of products, fine tune the size and look of images, change the name and style of buttons, shorten or enhance descriptions, and choose how you want that information displayed on the page.
- Step 4: Pick the Categories element and drop it on the page. Another pop-up will appear. Select the categories you want to display, choose your layout, and customize using the pop-up, just as you did with your products.
We hope this tutorial helps you build the perfect store for your eCommerce business. Have other store building ideas? Feel free to share your thoughts with us directly in the comments.
Ready to get started? Lets go.