
Easy translation management


DIY translations on top of real content


Machine and professional translation options

Fast and easy solution to publish your Weebly website in multiple languages.
  • Unlimited languages
  • Translate yourself right on top of your real content
  • Order machine translations
  • Purchase professional translations
  • Easy translation management
  • Customizable language widget on your site

Try LocalizeInternet free for 7 days.

Get full access to all features. After free trial period, it's only $19.90/month. Additionally, you may purchase professional translations in various languages.


All Features
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9 評価
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    azade burdurlu Dec 02, 2019
    There are so many problems by this app! e.g. one you translated a page, bold and colored and italic etc. differentations is always a problem! The translated pages can be untranslated again after a while without any seen reason ?!?
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    Aldo Paolo Pagnani Oct 23, 2017
    for my is very good Good graphic ,simply automatik and color other activate is fanatasique
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    D'Journe Arthur Mar 02, 2017
    absolute worst app I have ever seen in my life, if it were free I'd say otherwise but you have to be stupid to charge money and still require users to lift a finger, its too much work for a paid app..I'd rather pay to 20/month for an app that does what google translate does with a better design.

    LocalizeInternet Mar 02, 2017

    If you are looking for automatic machine translations then you can use this and it doesn't cost anything. But if you are looking for a tool/service to genuinely maintain your translation versions then our app is right choice.

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    Berdi Mark Dec 29, 2016
    Short trial period should be put in front more obviously, I didn't notice it. Although the app itself works quite good, except a few flaws.
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    MJ Sung Jun 03, 2016
    Very useful for quick DIY translations :D
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    Daniel Scholz Mar 30, 2016
    Really quick and easy! I love it! The new weebly app works way better than the previous version! Thank you!
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    luigisanese Dec 16, 2015
    Good App! As i'm not interested in machine translations, i like this app because it allows you to manage personal translations of your content, by converting it in different text fields. As easy as that. But... sometimes things get a bit complicated as the app automatically divides the content of a single text module in several parts. In this way the whole translation process gets very uncomfortable. When this issue will be solved i'll gladly give the 5th star (and start using it for real).
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    starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    Kari Jordman Nov 08, 2015
    It was very easy to create my website in multiple languages. I was able to translate my site in the languages I know easily by myself and used machine and professional translations to get couple of additional languages.
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    Jouko A Oct 19, 2015
    I needed about 10 minutes my time to get two language versions for the web site (and a couple of hours to wait for the professional translations). And then the site was available in three languages!
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