I'm excited to announce a new set of features we rolled out recently: much more powerful blogging features, a fresher, cleaner Weebly interface, and a whole bunch of smaller improvements.
New Blogging Features
First up, we've released an entirely new set of blogging features. Once you're editing your blog, you'll notice a "Manage Blog" button. From here, you can moderate all of the comments for your blog in one fell swoop, and move into the blog settings area, where you can choose to close comments on a blog-wide basis, leave them open, or have them be moderated.
There is also a new post settings area, where you can initiate trackbacks and set the comment moderation settings for each individual post.
Finally, you can also change the post date by clicking on the date when editing a post, and set it to anytime in the past or future.
Cleaner interface
We've also made a significant amount of improvements around the elements interface. The ugly blue boxes that surrounded all elements are now gone, and your site should appear in the editor exactly how it will when published. The blue box surrounding each element that allows you to move the element and delete it now only shows up when hovering over the element.
Also, we've added the ability to move elements from one page to another by clicking on the arrow in the top left hand side of the blue surrounding box.
And more!
We've added quite a few other requested features, including the ability to open links in a new window, constant improvements to our infrastructure to make Weebly faster, an autoplay option on the Weebly audio element, and many other bug fixes and improvements.
As always, we'd like to thank all of your for using Weebly and providing incredibly helpful feedback! You can always suggest and vote for new features by visiting the Weebly slinkset page.
We'd also like to especially thank those users who buy a domain or purchase Weebly pro -- we're working very hard to provide the easiest, fastest, most powerful way for you to create a website and blog out there, and we appreciate your support in helping us achieve that objective.