Once uploaded, the logo can be edited with ImagePerfect to adjust its position, size, rotation, and to apply other effects. Even better, you can use ImagePerfect to add a fancy tagline from our selection of 60+ fonts.
To get started, hover your mouse over the site title area and you'll see the button to switch to a logo. Don't have a logo? Our friends at 99designs gave us links to provide $10 off a logo from their store or $20 off a logo contest.
Check out a few examples of the new logo feature in action:
Improvements to photos
Featured Sites Blog
Our first post showed off a number of stunning photography websites. For the next post, we'll be featuring the sites best taking advantage of our new logo feature. Once you've added a logo to your site, submit it here for a chance to be featured next!
What's next?
Our San Francisco-based team has been burning the midnight oil, continuing to improve Weebly and make it better for you every day. But long days at work aren't bad -- we're excited and energized by the amazing sites you're building.
As always, we deeply appreciate your support and would love to hear your feedback!