After quite a bit of work building and testing the new custom theme features, we're happy to announce that we've finally launched the ability for any user to incorporate their own theme into Weebly.
When logged in and editing your website, you'll now see an "Advanced Editing" tab that appears when you are choosing a design. Click on this tab, and you will be able to edit the full HTML code and CSS styles of your website and upload files your theme depends on.
Once you do so, you'll be presented with a full suite of tools designed to help make advanced customization as simple as possible. From a syntax-highlighted code editor, to an instant preview tab, we've put some work into making the editing interface simple and comfortable.
When you've created a theme you like, you can export it by clicking on the "Export" button, which will prompt you to download the theme package .zip file. You can then give this theme file to any other Weebly user, who will be able to import the theme by clicking "Custom" and then "Import" under the Designs tab.
We're always working long days (and nights!) making Weebly the easiest and most powerful way for you to create a website, and we have a lot of exciting features coming up soon, including a simple way for you to customize your page without having to edit any HTML or CSS.
Thanks again for using Weebly, and thanks especially to the users who support us by purchasing pro or buying a domain -- we couldn't do it without you!